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Jan Hird Pokorny Associates, Inc.

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Commercial Buildings

Bartow-Pell Carriage House

Pelham Bay Park NY

The Bartow-Pell Carriage House, located on the grounds of the Bartow-Pell Mansion in Pelham Bay Park, is of extraordinary historic and architectural significance due to its status as the only surviving, substantially unaltered structure of its type and age in New York City.

After years of neglect and disuse, the circa 1836 Carriage House was restored for interpretation by the International Garden Club.

Restoration of the Carriage House required epoxy consolidation of some existing ground floor framing and scarfed replacement of sections of ground floor joists. To ensure the longevity of restored framing, interior finishes, and proposed museum displays, the exterior of below-grade rubble foundation walls were parged and waterproofed, and a foundation drain system installed.

With restoration complete, the Carriage House is open for tours by school children and the public and serves to tell the story of daily life on a country manor in the mid-1800s.